Cap-Digital: Interactive Advertising on Connected TV
Within Cap Digital, Holken Consultants & Partners piloted the think tank around the subject of interactive advertising in 2010/early 2011. A summary report came out of these public think tanks (2012).
This report is a vade mecum which addresses the challenges of interactive advertising on connected television through the testimonies of the stakeholders who have joined this Think Tank.
Holken Consultants Research & Analysis Partner
The topic on interactive advertising within Think Digital was an initiative of Hadmut Holken, Holken Consultants & Partners (HC), who facilitated these think tanks. In addition, HC led the organization as well as the contact of the various participating actors.
It is aimed at television players, advertising agencies, producers, equipment manufacturers, operators, advertisers, communication agencies, media agencies, creatives, scientific researchers, public authorities, the Cap Digital ecosystem. This report (50 pages) is made available free of charge to the ecosystem of interested professionals. The filmed debates are online. The links appear directly in the report.
Summary report INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING ON CONNECTED TV. To obtain the report for free, contact “”.